Please fill out the form below. You will be notified in approximately 14 days from your application status. Please note that the fee structure, which primarily covers the cost of regular weekly luncheon meals will be as follows: $400 Semi-Annually + HST


Important Note: Category Membership must be non competitive to existing members. Approved members must submit payment before the start of their attendance. Parting members must give one month prior notice.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Vital Stats


Phone: 709-726-3594

Fax: 709-726-9667

Attending Member: Padraig Mohan


What Makes Us Successful:

I have experienced a deeper understanding of the services offered by fellow members which has allowed me to access and refer to services that I was not aware existed, I have gained friendship and I have obtained real and meaningful leads that led to the growth of my own business

Why We Joined:

I joined to meet and foster relationships with other members of our local business community with the hopes of learning from them, sharing knowledge and importantly sharing business for our mutual benefit

Why We Stay:

It is an organisation that I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to join. The fact that there is no other members in competition with your business is a huge benefit, not offered by other similar groups, which allows you to fully promote yourself to the many members of the Association. Members will experience real and tangible benefits from the Association both in gaining business; sharing of knowledge and expertise; hearing fantastic guest speakers; and making new friends

Submit a Shoutout:

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