Please fill out the form below. You will be notified in approximately 14 days from your application status. Please note that the fee structure, which primarily covers the cost of regular weekly luncheon meals will be as follows: $400 Semi-Annually + HST


Important Note: Category Membership must be non competitive to existing members. Approved members must submit payment before the start of their attendance. Parting members must give one month prior notice.

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Vital Stats

Member Since: Nov 30, 2023


Phone: 709-764-4744

Attending Member: Leslie Penney

Primary Contact: Leslie Penney  |

Secondary Contact: Nicole McDonald  |

Address: 141 Torbay Rd, St. John’s, NL A1A 2H1


At 39 years of age, Leslie is now an accomplished career mortgage broker after serving over 16 years in the industry. He is a proud part owner and broker of East Coast Mortgage Brokers, who were recently awarded the Atlantic Business Magazine’s Top 50 CEO award, the 2022 Canadian Mortgage Awards Brokerage of the Year (under 25 employees), along with the Mortgage Awards of Excellence Regional Brokerage of the Year (Atlantic) for 202, 2022, 2023, and 2024!

Leslie was most recently recognized in 2021 by Canadian Mortgage Professional Magazine’s ‘Hot List’ of movers and shakers in the Canadian mortgage industry, as well as a Rising Star in 2020, as one of the top brokers in the country under 35 by Canadian Mortgage Professional. A perennial top producing broker, Leslie has won numerous awards both nationally and regionally. Best described as an energetic, hardworking and dedicated mortgage professional; Leslie seeks to connect with people and his community. His tireless work ethic and strong family values were instilled while growing up in a rural Newfoundland community of less than 100 people.

Leslie has a team of professionals working side-by-side with him every day to help service his clients the way they deserve to be with exceptional advice and quality care. With the help of his team members, you can expect the very best with each relationship for years to come.

During any free time, Leslie spends it with his wife Jennifer, his son Lincoln, and dog, Lily in their home in Outer Cove, and either playing sports or spending time in the great outdoors.

What Makes Us Successful:

Strong relationships and great insights from other professionals across numerous industries.

Why We Joined:

To develop a strong local network of other business owners and professionals.

Why We Stay:

To get someone out of anything you need to be committed. Even in the beginning stages, I see a lot of value in the network and look forward to a long-standing relationship with BANL.

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