Please fill out the form below. You will be notified in approximately 14 days from your application status. Please note that the fee structure, which primarily covers the cost of regular weekly luncheon meals will be as follows: $400 Semi-Annually + HST


Important Note: Category Membership must be non competitive to existing members. Approved members must submit payment before the start of their attendance. Parting members must give one month prior notice.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Vital Stats

Member Since: Dec 8, 2009


Phone: 709-723-7321

Attending Member: Don-E Coady

Primary Contact: Don-E Coady  |

Address: 2F Bates HIll; PO BOX 13171, St. John's, NL, A1B 4A4


20+ years of daring greatly in the marketing and communications arena; powered by love of place and passion for helping to make your brand better.

What Makes Us Successful:

The luncheons and mixers provide much needed access to the energy of our business community. The resources and business exposure help us stay in touch and top of mind to the businesses we break bread with every week. Plus, man’s gotta eat, and the network setting and meals are a welcome break from the office. Over all, it’s the energy and feeling that anything is possible once you rub shoulders with your business community.

Why We Joined:

When you start a business, it’s lonely. Your friends and family are there for you, but they don’t live their work like you do. Joining BANL was exactly what I needed. The access to people and issues and the fun energy of the dynamic membership gave me hope that there were others out there just like me who were excited to be in business. The support and business I have received made my brand possible and continues to today.

Why We Stay:

It’s a great place to network with others. Most important to the reason for BANL is the fact that you are in a non-competitive environment, which is ideal and unique. Also the size of the business association makes it ideal to actually get to know other members on a personal level, which is very helpful when doing business together. And for anyone who wants to give back to the community, BANL has programs and ways we can contribute via mentorship and other events.

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