Please fill out the form below. You will be notified in approximately 14 days from your application status. Please note that the fee structure, which primarily covers the cost of regular weekly luncheon meals will be as follows: $400 Semi-Annually + HST


Important Note: Category Membership must be non competitive to existing members. Approved members must submit payment before the start of their attendance. Parting members must give one month prior notice.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Working Together

The Business Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (BANL) was formed in 1983 by a small group of local entrepreneurs joining together for mutual benefit and support. Facing Newfoundland and Labrador’s harsh economic climate, these businesses believe networking and building each other up promotes success. From a small group of six, our Association has grown steadily since the beginning. Our goal from the beginning, and continuing today, is clear and straight-forward: to encourage business within and for our membership and promote sound business practices. As a result, our Association stimulates employment and the local economy.

A Fellowship; Not a Service Club

On the second and fourth week of each month, the members of our Association gather for a luncheon meeting. The meetings allow our members to exchange knowledge and ideas, learn from speakers from business, government, and the community, as well as a welcome break from the rigors of the workplace. Each member has the opportunity to promote their business with the other members of our Association at a luncheon meeting.

The Non-Competitive Advantage

Membership in our Association is open to any business in the province. However, we maintain a strict policy against competition between our membership. New members must be sponsored by an existing member and cannot be in direct competition with an existing member.