Please fill out the form below. You will be notified in approximately 14 days from your application status. Please note that the fee structure, which primarily covers the cost of regular weekly luncheon meals will be as follows: $400 Semi-Annually + HST
Important Note: Category Membership must be non competitive to existing members. Approved members must submit payment before the start of their attendance. Parting members must give one month prior notice.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in purus enim. Nullam commodo turpis at ligula tincidunt, at iaculis turpis tempor. Donec scelerisque arcu vel feugiat sodales. Donec condimentum ante sed dolor laoreet tincidunt. Nulla elementum vitae odio sed finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sit amet pulvinar ligula. In nec augue at turpis bibendum auctor.
Nunc et convallis lacus. Donec eu rhoncus leo. Aliquam ornare diam in arcu tempus, sit amet ullamcorper felis aliquet. Aenean fermentum tellus at consequat posuere. Cras at cursus magna. Praesent sed nunc eleifend, feugiat tortor sit amet, semper turpis. Proin in sollicitudin orci.